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Look at this amazing cover!!!! RMGraphX once again knocked it out of the park and created a beautiful cover that represents everything this story is about. I cannot wait to see this beauty in paperback. It's going to be gorgeous, especially sitting next to the other two. But today is bittersweet. Although I'm excited to reveal the cover of Mend, it's almost the goodbye to the trilogy that brought most of you to me. I love this series, and it's going to be really hard to say goodbye when I reach the end. But I promise you, I'm trying my best to do them all justice and give not only my characters the ending they deserve, but all of you as well. Thanks for sticking with me all the way to the end. Synopsis: Fate. Karma. Time. They are all faces of the same entity. Each is beautiful in its own way, in the right light. Normally each works of its own accord. Escape them, and you discover what lies beneath their masks. It surpasses sinister and lies within base carnality. The three twist together to create something terrifying enough to stop you in your tracks and beg for mercy. A clemency they'll not grant you. I should have accepted and taken what they offered me to begin with. Death was kind to me, yet I refused it. I turned my back on them, and they unleashed a personal vendetta against me. Anyone close to me felt the repercussions; some of them payed the ultimate price. All because my will was stronger than theirs. They've proven to me that when things are meant to be, to not change them. Otherwise, someone will pay the consequences to right the world, and they won't hesitate to prove that to you. Discrimination doesn't exist in their eyes. The headstones before me validate that. All of my books are on sale for 99 cents! If you haven't read SNAP & TAINT, now is the time to get them and devour them before the last book of the trilogy drops. This sale won't last forever!
Already an addict? Need a place to discuss the trilogy with like-minded addicts? Join Snap Addicts Anonymous for extended sneak peeks, excerpts, giveaways, and all around kickass amazing people to spend your time with. ![]() From Friday, May 6th at 12:30am EST until Monday, May 9th at 12pm EST, 133 authors and blogs have come together to offer prizes on every page PLUS the chance to win part of the grand prize through the giveaway below.Don't miss out! Visit one, or all to participate. Easy entries.Meet some new authors! Discover some awesome blogs.Most of all...have fun!The Mother's Day Hop Starts Here:The husband and I are sitting and having one of our late night convos, and like always it revolves around books. Because that's what I like to talk about. The conversation turns to book covers and how they've changed so much over the last century.
A hundred years ago, books were hardbound and only came in a few different colors; green, brown, and blue were some of the most popular. Today, we are able to purchase books that have some of the most beautiful images on them and attempt to suck us into the stories before we even pick them up. Technology is amazing. Almost as amazing as the written word. Long ago, you had to listen to a to spiel or open a book and read a bit of it to determine if it was a world you wanted to delve into. Then came dust jackets with minimal images and blurbs, so there was no need to listen to a sellers spiel. You could read about the book on your own and make the decision without feeling pressured to buy. Then came paperbacks, and with those paperbacks, better graphics. The marketing/advertising industry grew, and with it their greed. Now the spiels were coming from them: You have to package it pretty and more people will buy it. And they were right. More people will by a pretty product, even if it's not the right choice for them. See where I'm going with this yet? I've read some amazing books that had some of the shittiest covers. I've read some shitty books that have had amazing covers. Marketing is important to help catch the eye of consumers (us). It shouldn't be the sole reason a person purchases a product. The first thing I do when I pick up a book is flip it over or open it up and READ the blurb to get a feel for what that author is offering me and the style it is delivered in. I've put plenty of beautiful books back on the shelf because they didn't speak to me. I've picked up plenty of books that the covers didn't catch my attention and gave them a chance as well. Some worked out and some didn't. I once watched a woman grab several novels at the store and didn't even bother to see what they were about. Now, maybe they were go-to authors for her, I don't know, but it had me wondering what kind of reader she was. What kind of reader are you? Seriously, ask yourself that and be honest with yourself. Are you picky? Do you stick with one genre? Do you judge a book by its cover? If you answer yes to any one of those questions, especially the last one, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. What's the worse that can happen? You realize that you don't like that book and put it down, or you find out that you like that book and want more. Remember, when choosing anything in life, to never judge it by its appearance. Shit is still shit wrapped in a bow, but a diamond is still a diamond inside a lump of coal. Expand your choices, and you expand your mind. Happy Reading. Today I read an article about creating a "Brand." It was very informative, as most those blog posts are and I appreciated the thought that was put into. So it really got me thinking, what is my brand? What will people hear or see and think, "Oh, Tara Dawn!" because of how I put myself out in the world?
That's a good question. It's a hell of a question. One that I didn't have an answer to at first. Then I realized that my lack of an answer was the fucking answer! For those who read my books and follow me, you know that I have written two books so far, with eight more lined up and ready to pump out. Those two books are as different as night and day. Seriously. Sojourn is a contemporary erotic romance, that I would compare to cotton candy and rainbows. It's a hot, quick read with lots of feels. Now SNAP (The Snap Trilogy #1) is completely different. It's a romantic psychological suspense. The plot is deep, with lots of twists and turns, and the characters have far more depth than those in Sojourn. I've been asked if I really wrote both of them. Yes, I did. And because of that response to my books, it really made the idea of creating a "brand" even more confusing for me. The reason being, I have plans to write more stories that don't fit into the same genre as either of those books. I love the written word. Period. If what is being said speaks to me, then I'm going to read it. I stick to the fact that everyone should learn something new or step out of their comfort zone daily. If you don't, you're not living to your full potential. Life is far too short to trap yourselves in a fucking box only to find out too late that you hated that box and wished you could've escaped it. The point to that rambling is this. I love books, all genres. I love to write, and I want to write what speaks to me. I'm a people watcher. People fascinate me like no other. They can change in the blink of an eye. They do it all the time. No one stays in the same mood all day. Emotions sway our judgments and even change us into different people. I want to be able to go with my flow. To express what I'm feeling at that moment. Whether it's another cotton candy and rainbows romance, poetry, my esoteric babble I spew at times, fantasy, gut wrenching or horror, I want to write what comes to me. It's my therapy. Being able to express those through characters on a page helps me to share my feelings with others. I'm able to take the reader on a journey of my psyche without them even realizing it. And it feels good doing it. Which is why my tagline is Stories Rooted In The Soul. Because they are. They are pieces of me. Because of that, it will be hard to create a following. There are readers who stick with only one genre. They don't know what they are missing out on, but at least they know what they like, and that's great. They may find one of my books and enjoy it and check back in for a similar release later. Which I love, because that means something I wrote connected with them. There will also be other readers, like myself, who enjoy different genres. Those who do will be the ones who most likely will stick with me on my writing journey and keep up with what I'm working on. Either way, I love them all for giving my work a chance. What all this rambling leads to is this: I don't have a specific brand. I'm not promising certain books to anyone. I'm not going to shove myself into a box and stunt my growth as a writer. (And do not take my words out of context and think I'm talking shit about others who stay within the same genre. I am not saying that.) I know that in order for me to grow, I can't do that to myself. It's who I am. I've never done that before, and I'm not going to start now. I write for me with the hopes that someone can connect with my words. If they do, yay! If they don't, thanks for checking out my work. I'm realistic enough to realize that it will not be for everyone. So my brand is me. The whole crazy, fucked up, kit n caboodle. The girl who cries one day and scribbles down poetry (which will be published next year), then writes about a psycho stalker trying to take over the world when I've got pent up anger, only to top it off with cotton candy and rainbows when my manic happiness comes back to play. I'm sure many of you can relate. Stick around and enjoy the ride, I'm sure it'll be filled with lots of surprises, even to me. Or jump aboard and party for a while. Either way, I'd love for you to meet pieces of me and maybe, just maybe, you'll fall in love with all of me. XOXO Tara Dawn SNAP Release Day Blitz It seems as though the past week has drug along awaiting this day. I can't wait to share Hazel's story with all of you. Originally I said that this would be one book. But, it can't be. This story has grown, the characters have gotten more complex, and had I made it one book, I would've had to cut out a lot of the story and not give my characters the ending they deserved. So I've split it into a trilogy. Don't worry, this just means you'll get more of what you want! You'll know exactly what that is after you read this book. Thank you for your understanding. Love, Tara Dawn Title~SNAP Genre~Psychological Suspense (With some romance) Author~Tara Dawn Cover Designer~RMGraphx ~Synopsis~ Hazel I never would've guessed my life would lead me where I am today, wedged between a stalker and a stranger in the midst of a drug war that I'm unsure of how I entered. One wants to hurt me, the other seems to want to heal me, but there's more that he's after and I don't know if I can give him what he seeks. Cash I was sent to find answers when no one else could find them. What I found was a woman in need and a psycho dealer working toward his own agenda. I wasn't to get involved, but her eyes call to me and I know they hold the information I seek. Phil She doesn't think I'm good enough for her. But I'll show her. Hazel belongs to me and has since that night that I claimed her. I'll get back into her good graces. I have to. She has something of mine and I'm not stopping until I have it all. On sale for $1.99 this week only! Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Amazon CA ~ Amazon AU ~What readers are saying~ "SNAP is an amazing story. Tara has such a way with words. One minute she has you craving a fountain pop like you never have before, then she has you feeling every emotion like you are the character. Every laugh makes you laugh. Every tear will bring one to your eye. Every ounce of pain, you feel, and every second of pleasure will have you squirming. By the end, my heart was pounding and I had tears in my eyes. Great book." -Amie Nichols ~ Author of Amazon Bestseller Deep Blue "Snap by Tara Dawn is a brilliant and hauntingly beautiful read from beginning to end. You're instantly captivated and at the end you're left wanting more. Snap is a roller coaster of emotions, but you'll enjoy the ride." -Laura ~ The Literary Vixen ~Excerpt~ Phil "Strip." She stands there for a moment staring at the ground, her shaky hands twisting together. "Do not make me do it for you, Hazel." Slowly she unbuttons and unzips her pants. I love that sound. She pushes them down and steps out on unsteady legs. Her hands go the hem of her shirt and grip it so tightly her fingers start turning white. Taking a shuddering breath, she pulls it over her head and drops it to the floor. Her bra and panties are awfully nice for going to work in. She must have worn them for him. Anger scorches my veins at how little she thought of me on our date. She didn't wear anything like this for me. I admire her body in her pretty underthings wishing I had seen the bruises that formed by my hand. As I get to her stomach, my eyes grow wide and a smile spreads over my face. Tiny pink streaks trail down where my fingers once raked her skin. If I thought my dick wouldn't work for a while after she nailed it, I was wrong. "Take those off too. He's not here to see them." Against her wishes, I make her shower. She tries to close the curtain, but I pull it open. Shivering beneath the water, she washes her body and tries to hide as much of herself as she can. The suds on her slick flesh make me ache to pinch each and every one until they pop. An image of blood oozing out of every bubble as it bursts has my heart pounding in anticipation of what's to come. Unable to wait any longer, I shut the water off and yank her from the tub. She slips out and lands against me, the water on her body soaking into my clothes. Without a second thought, I pull her into her bedroom and shove her onto the bed. Looking around, I spot some scarves on top of her dresser and grab them. I attempt to grab her wrists, but she fights me and scoots away on the bed. The word no slips from her lips. My vision blurs as I grow more furious. I hate the word no. I despise being told no. Before I know what's happening, my emotions get the better of me and my fist strikes her face. There's an audible pop and blood gushes from her nose. It makes me think of the bleeding bubbles. Her hand covers her face as she chokes on her sobs and the blood. It seeps through her fingers dripping on her chest in slow motion. Each drop exploding as it lands on her skin. My darkness, her life. The perfect mix of truth in my world. ~About the Author~ Tara Dawn is a married, stay-at-home mom who homeschools her three sons. When she's not busy with them, you can find her reading, talking about other authors and books over at Word Wenches Guilty Pleasure book blog, writing, crafting, or hula hooping. She wears many hats and finds that if you aren't learning something new everyday, then you aren't living to your full potential.
She's addicted to Facebook and loves connecting with others and making new friends. You can find her on there all times of the day. Stop by her page and say hello or shoot her a friend request. She loves shooting the shit on the regular. Just beware that she curses like a sailor. ~Connect with Tara~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Website ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon I'm super excited to share the cover of SNAP with all of you. This book has been a journey for me and I'm glad that I decided to take it on. Originally, this book was supposed to be a romantic suspense, but it took on a world of it's own going far deeper and growing bigger than I had planned. It became something far more. A story about adapting. A story about survival. I wasn't ready to write a trilogy or a series. You guys would've hated me had I split this book up. And I didn't want to do that to you. So be prepared for one hell of story when this book drops November 17th. Love, Tara Dawn Title: SNAP Author: Tara Dawn Genre: Psychological Suspense (With some romance) Cover Design: RMGraphX Synopsis: Hazel I never would've guessed my life would lead me where I am today, wedged between a stalker and a stranger in the midst of a drug war that I'm unsure of how I entered. One wants to hurt me, the other seems to want to heal me, but there's more that he's after and I don't know if I can give him what he seeks. Cash I was sent to find answers when no one else could find them. What I found was a woman in need and a psycho dealer working toward his own agenda. I wasn't to get involved, but her eyes call to me and I know they hold the information I seek. Phil She doesn't think I'm good enough for her. But I'll show her. Hazel belongs to me and has since that night that I claimed her. I'll get back into her good graces. I have to. She has something of mine and I'm not stopping until I have it all. ![]() About Tara Dawn Tara Dawn is a married, stay-at-home mom who homeschools her three sons. When she's not busy with them, you can find her reading, talking about other authors and books over at The Word Wenches book blog, writing, crafting, or hula hooping. She wears many hats and finds that if you aren't learning something new everyday then you aren't living to your full potential. Tara has a love for all genres and is currently working on a series of standalone novels, modernizing and breathing life back into old legends. You can find her on Facebook pretty much all of the time. She loves making new friends and talking about life, so stop by her Facebook page and say hello. Woohoo, I did it! I started my website. As a newly published author, there is list of things I have checked off to becoming "official," and having a website is one of them. Now that that is accomplished, I can say that I'm not so sure it makes me feel anymore official than wearing my child's Sheriff badge and calling myself Deputy Mom.
Regardless, I love the idea of sharing my thoughts with you on a regular basis via this website. I can shoot the shit pretty good and hope that you will shoot it right back with me. I'm extremely chatty by nature and I love to talk about any and everything ... well, everything but politics and religion because people have their own beliefs and those tend to lead to fights and I don't like fighting over beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that's what makes life so interesting. Anywho, just wanted to say HELLO and thanks for stopping by to see me. I look forward to having daily posts to share with you <3 ~Tara Dawn |
Tara DawnI am a motor mouth extraordinaire that drops the Archives
August 2016